Saturday, May 05, 2007

I saw something cool on Michelle Hill's blog and I had to duplicate it. It is 7 random things about me:

1. I have to have the kitchen clean! Anyone who knows me knows that I am not someone who cleans all the time. Okay, only sometimes. I clean when it has to be clean! =) I think that spending time with my kidos is WAY more important or writing on my blog...LOL. Well, even though I'm not a clean freak, like my mother, my kitchen HAS to be clean. There is nothing wore than a stinky kitchen where you eat. Just my thing!

2. I have to have a bath EVERYDAY! Yes, you read that right, I take a bath (no shower) everyday. It doesn't matter if I get 2 minutes or 30 minutes I will take a bath over a shower anyday. I just feel cleaner.

3. I make lists! If I don't I will forget what I am supposed to be doing. It helps me manage my day better. I have so many different things going on that it just makes my life easier.

4. I have to tell my kidos that I love them 10 times a day, or more! I know it is a lot but I don't want my kids to ever think that I don't love them. You never know what is going to happen to you and I want my kids to ALWAYS know that!

5. I am obsessed with school supplies! I want to have every pen, pencil, crayon, marker, notebook, post it, etc. that I can get my hands on. I don't go to office supply stores very often because they are deadly. Whenever I go to one I go to what I need and leave. There is no looking around for me!

6. I love writing thank you cards to people. I write a thnak you card for EVERYTHING. I don't ever want anyone to know that I am not thankful for what they do for me. I sometimes want to write a thank you card because I got a thank you card! =) How's that for weird!

7. I love to watch Danny when he is sleeping! I know this sounds weird but I love to look at him and then I remember all the reason why I married him. When I just lay there and watch him, it makes me realize that I am the luckiest woman in the world to be next to the best man in the world! I love him so much!!!

I tag Heather to do this on her blog! =) Can't wait to read it Heather.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You are RANDOM...just kidding...I love school supplies too...I need to make more lists...I can probably count on two hands how many times I've taken a bath since we moved to probably have taken more baths in my bath tub than me. :)