Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Resurrection Rolls

Right before Easter Isabella, Chase, and I made Resurrection Rolls one morning. It was a lot of fun but very messy.

I wanted to let her know why we celebrate Easter in her terms. I told her that the marshmellow represented Jesus and that he died and we need to wrap him in cloth, the cressant roll, and then we need to put him in the tomb, the oven, for 3 days. Then when we take him out do you think he'll still be there? She said, "Yes, Mommy." So we took them out of the "tomb" and I had her open hers up. I said, "Is Jesus still there?" She said, "No, Mommy he's gone where did he go?" She was so worried. I told her that after 3 days Jesus was Resurrected and he came back to life. She looked at me with that deer in the head light look and then ate her roll.

Later, that day when Danny came home from work, he walked in the door and she said, "Daddy, Jesus isn't there anymore because he came to life." It was so cute!

I think sometimes we under estimate what little children can actually learn. She still tells me that Jesus wasn't there even today. I hope that was a start to the understanding of our gospel for her!

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