Saturday, October 13, 2007

Our pretty princess and lil stinker!

I had a photo shoot at my house today so I decided to put my kidos in their Halloween costumes and take a few pictures. Isabella loved it! She was so excited to put her costume on and take some pictures for me. Now Chase on the other hand, was truly a Lil Stinker! The moment he saw me grab his costume he RAN down the hall and I had to catch him. It was a fighting match with a lot of screaming and crying but I got the costume on him and then bribed him with candy. My philosophy at his age is: You get what you get! They turned out pretty good considering. He is the cutest little skunk that I've ever seen! =)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sooo cute! I have been trying to ease Landen-poo into his costume...we shall see. Isabella looks so big.