Friday, November 02, 2007

Lil Lancers Cheerleading Day..

I was so nervous about this day for Isabella. I have no clue why but I was. I wanted her to enjoy herself and not be intimidated by the audience and she was awesome! I didn't need to worry. She did the cheers so good and did the dance good too. I was so proud of her! She also had fun cheering right next to her cousin, Serenity.

To top it off she looked cute too with her Lil Lancers T-shirt, EU face paint, and special EU red ribbon in her hair.

She stuck right by her favorite cheerleader, Brittany. Brittany was a trouper because the girls attention wasn't always on cheerleading. She was so patient with them. Thanks Brittany!! =)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Soooo cute!