Wednesday, December 05, 2007

What is Christmas to Misty...

1. Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? Wrapping Paper. It's way more fun for the kidos.

2. Real or artificial tree? Artificial all the way! We had a bug infested tree one year and NEVER again. I love the real tree smell but I just get a wreath from Costco and all is good!

3. When do you put up the tree? I would love to do it the day after Thanksgiving but I am never home so as close to right after Thanksgiving that I can get. It went up a week after Thanksgiving this year.

4. Do you like Eggnog? No way, YUCK!!

5. Favorite Gift received as a child? I liked everything. My mom told me that I would even get happy about socks! =)

6. Do you have a nativity Scene? Definitely! That and snowmen are my two favorite things to decorate with. I would love to have a nativity from every country. Maybe someday!

7. Hardest person to buy for? It used to be my Daddy but now I would say my Mommy.

8. Easiest Person to buy for? Isabella and Chase.

9. Email or Mail cards? Mail cards. I have done it every year since Danny and I have been married. This will be my 8th year! =)

10. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Grinch(with Jim Carrey) and Elves.

11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The day after Thanksgiving. I usually buy a few things before then but that is the main shopping day. I love it!

12. Favorite thing to eat during Christmas? Anything Peppermint.

13. White lights or colored lights? Colored lights.

14. Favorite Christmas Song? Anything. I love Christmas music!

15. Travel for Christmas or Stay home? We always travel since my family lives in Bakersfield.

16. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes, if I sing the beginning of Rudolph.

17. Angel or Star on top of the tree? Angel

18. Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Growing up we always opened everything on Christmas Eve. That was our tradition. Then I married Danny and his family does the same. I don't get Christmas Eve with my family anymore. I am just thankful that my family is open to waiting for us! =)

19. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Everything is busy!

20. Up early or Sleep in? Whenever we wake up, we wake up.

21. Are you gifts signed by Santa or Mrs. Claus? Santa.

22. Do you tell the Christmas story. Every year! We always tell the story of Jesus birth.

23. Do you leave cookies out for Santa. The kids do. I never did as a kid.

24. Favorite Christmas Tradition. Doing the 12 days of Christmas for a family who needs a little uplifting.

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