Thursday, February 28, 2008

A failure to a success...

Well, one of my goals was to try and scrapbook twice a month...well, I have scrapbooked one time so far this year that leaves me 3 times behind! Ahhhh, I just really need to set a day and time and just DO IT! Even though I have been kinda bummed about this I had an "Ah ha" moment as Opera would call it. If I try and keep up with my blog this would be like scrapbooking in a different way.

With all the health problems that I have been having lately, mortality has been heavy on my mind. If anything ever happened to me I would want my children to have something from me and I, until today, felt that had to be their scrapbooks. Don't get me wrong I think that their scrapbooks are the best thing I can give them but since I am always behind I feel like they wouldn't have an up-to-date idea of Mom. So, they can have my blog. This is the true me. It's kinda like my diary with pictures. =)

So, even though I've felt like a scrapbook failure I feel like a blog success.

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