Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First day of BIG girl school...

My baby girl is now a big girl.  She had her first day of school here are some of my favorite pictures of it.

Isabella picked out every detail of what she was going to wear on her first day from her outfit, to her shoes.  She had to pick out every detail.  Isabella wanted to wear her blue dress with her white shirt and with blue socks.

This is her Minnie Mouse backpack and lunch pail that she picked out.  She was so excited to put things in her backpack and get it ready.

She wanted to wear her apple hair ties and she wanted her hair in pig tails.

Thanks to Grandma Hockey Isabella had a brand new pair of sketcher shoes to wear on her first day.  Isabella was so excited to have a cow charm on them.  (It broke off 1/2 through her first day.)

Isabella and Kayla met in the parking lot to walk into school for the first time together.  They looked so cute together.

Here is Isabella waiting in line for school to start.

Every Monday they have an assembly before they go to their classrooms. (Parents are invited to it.)  Today the teachers sang a song, they did the school cheer, the teachers introduced themselves and told us what college they graduated from, they sang happy birthday to all the kids who will have a birthday this week, they did the pledge, two teachers sang the National Anthem, and then the Principal spoke for a few minutes and they were dismissed to class.

Here is Isabella's class at carpet time.

Isabella and brother saying goodbye to each other.

My big kindergartner standing at her desk after completing all of her morning routine.  She had to take her chair down, put her pack back up, put her lunch away, and put her lunch card on the chart.  She did such a great job.  Then the parents were asked to leave so they could finish the rest of the day by themselves.

Chase and I both miss Sissy being at home.  I asked him today what he'd like to do with Mommy and he said to go pick Sissy up from school.   I knew that he'd miss her.  =)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh my goodness. She is such a BIG girl! I can't believe she is already in kindergarten. Hell-o!!!