Sunday, August 24, 2008

Setting the record straight...

My niece Britney came to Stockton to spend a few days with us.  (At least someone besides my Mom comes to visit me.)  When she came down here she really realized the how my brother and I compete on who my Mom loves the most.   She compiled a list on her blog of the pros and cons about both of us, which you have to check out, so I need to set the record straight....

-I talk to my Mom more than once a day.  If I didn't have my Mom to call I don't know what I'd do.  She my one constant person that I can always count on to talk to.
-I love hockey.  Oh heck yes!  
-Of course girls take the favorite vote because my Mom is a girl.  And it doesn't matter that she had only one boy.  She had two girls because girls are better.  Right, Jimmy!?
-I take my Mom on vacation with us.
-I visit my Mom more in Bakersfield than my brother does and he lives in the same town not 3.5 hours away!
-Even though my Mom is a homebody like my brother.  She enjoys getting out and doing things which I take her to do.  Then I give her her homebody time too.  Best of both worlds.
-Well, I don't cut Grandma paychecks but I try and get some of those paycheck. =)  Just kidding.  Love is more important than money.  
-My music taste is just fine.  I love anything that is good.  I like a huge variety.  I just don't like crappy groups like Weezer.  Oh, did I just say that?  =)
-Now, I think you would have to agree that my brother can clear a room much better than I.
-Now let's talk about our style of dress.  At least I don't go out with pants that have chicks on them, my wife's pink slippers and a red shirt, which by the way doesn't match, that says chick magnet on it.  I think I've got him here.
-When I tell my Mom that I'm going to buy her something for her birthday I actually get it instead of her waiting months for it, which her birthday is in February and she still doesn't have her BBQ.
-Also, my Mom wants a mans-man for a son not a girly-boy who goes scrapbooking!

As you can see the correct choice would be Me not Britney!  =)  Even Lori thinks so...gotta check out the comments on Britney's page.  Thanks for the love Lori!!  =)

By the way, my brother and I are nothing alike.  I need to set the record straight on that one too.  =)

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