Monday, October 27, 2008

Chase's Happy Birthday Day!

Okay, now I need to back up a little bit.  On Chase's birthday this year we let him choose to eat where ever he wanted to.  Chase chose Mongolian BBQ.  He loves that place.  This was the first time he has ever had his own bowl.  Now that he is 3 and we have to pay for him we told him that he could have his own bowl.

  Then we met the Casper's at Baskin Robbins for his free ice cream.  They all got the clown ice creams.  I remember always getting those as a kid.  =)

This was a great day because it was the first time in over a month that we hung out with the Caspers.  We won't talk about why...I'm just really glad we are hanging out again!  =)

1 comment:

Heather said...

How cute is that! He is getting so big! Miss you guys!