Thursday, February 05, 2009


Well, Chase seems to think so.  Since I wrote a cute comment about Isabella I, of course, had to about Chase.  He came up to me this morning and gave me a big kiss on the lips.  He said, "Now we marry."  I said, "What?", He said, "Now we marry."  I said, "You mean we are married?"  He said, "YEP!"  I then of course explained to him that we weren't married.  He said, "Daddy marry."  I said, "To who?"  He said, "To you."  I explained to him that yes Danny and I were married.  He then said, "Yep, you and Daddy marry and Sissy and I marry."  I then had to explain to him that he couldn't marry his sister so he said, "Ok, I marry Jordan."  I think had to explain to him that he would marry a girl not a boy.  He said, "Ok, then I marry Auntie DD."  I gave up at that point.  I guess it is hard for a three year old to understand marriage!  =)

1 comment:

Richelle Gailey said...

Well...if that's the case, I'm kissing the next incredibly rich and handsome man I lay eyes