Friday, February 06, 2009

Superbowl Sunday...

So, this is the only picture that I took on Superbowl Sunday but it is a cutie!  This is Gavin and Chase chowin down on a yummy cupcake.

We had the pleasure of going to Catherine Tate's Superbowl Party #2.  It was tons of fun!  We were able to bring a friend so we brought the Casper's with us.  =)  What a great game!  I was rutting for Pittsburgh to win but was really wanting Arizona to win since it hasn't happened for them.  Either way it was a great game all the way down to the last second.  I love it when the Superbowl is that good! 

We usually have a Superbowl Party every year but I wanted to try out something different this year.  It was so nice not having to clean my house and get everything ready but I did miss the usual group that comes over.  We even had a few calls asking if we were going to have a party again.  Well, we might have one next year .  We'll see....

1 comment:

brenda Casper said...

aah, i love the little chocolate cake faces!!