Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Here's your post...

Well, someone has been driving me crazy telling me that I need to blog something.  She is right but she doesn't understand how crazy my life is.  This is basically what I look like most of the time.  My bored son grabbed my little camera the other day and started taking some pictures and this was one of them.  I actually like this picture.  He did a really good job for a 3 year old!  I think that it is very creative.  =)  (He's just like his Mommy!)  At least we are able to do something together even when my life is crazy.  That is what I love about being a stay-at-home Mom and having my part-time business right here in my house.  It is a perfect combination! 


Emily said...

Life sure can be crazy! You do have a very talented boy on your hands!

brenda Casper said...

Who could have said such things?

Michelle said...

That is a really cool picture. He has a hidden talent! Hey I have a blog now, but I'm retarded and don't know how to send it or invite people to view it!