Friday, May 15, 2009

Kaehler Dairy

Isabella's class went on a field trip to Kaehler Dairy on Armstrong in Lodi. This dairy has been in business for over 100 years. They milk the cows 24/7. They have someone there at all hours milking. Dairy farmers are HARD workers! It is amazing eveything they have to do to get us that little glass of milk on the table.

Isabella got to feed a cow. (There is a video below of her feeding the cow.) She was very nervous at first. I don't think she wanted all that slower on her hand. =)

Isabella go to pet a 2 week old cow.

Isabella got to feel the suction that they milk the cows with.

These girls had so much fun together the entire day!

This is the group that we had and the dairy. Left to right we have: Emaleah, Stephano, Isabella, Tess, and Giselle.

Isabella got to milk a cow.

Isabella got to feed a baby cow.

We got to see a baby cow that was born that morning. She was so cute. They only get to stay with their mother for less than 24 hours. So sad! =(

We had an awesome time. Isabella went to a dairy in preschool but she didn't get to do all of the fun things that she did yesterday. What an awesome experience. At the end they asked who wanted to be a dairy farmer and I think Isabella's hand shot up the fastest. =)


brenda Casper said...

That looks udderly fantastic. Love the clips too!

Heather said...

How fun is this!! Brings back memories of FFA! :)