Thursday, May 07, 2009

Spaghetti Feed...

Isabella's school had a spaghetti feed spring fundraiser. I was in charge of the ticket sales which went very well. We sold about 550 tickets. Not to bad for a school of I think about 360. (I might be off a little bit.) I was shocked at how cute it looked when I walked it. I guess I just didn't expect it to be decorated so good for a school fundraiser. Everything went very well. I put a free sitting fee and a 16x20 portrait in the auction. That is worth about $250 and it sold for $375. It sold to the most amazing family too and I can't wait to do their pictures. They have 200 acres of vineyards and they are beautiful. Well, for the entire night we raised about $16,000. Isn't that just amazing. The time before they raised about $10,000. I didn't expect it to be as much since times are tough for a lot of people right now. UPS is just an amazing school all around. The parent support is one of the things that makes it SO amazing!


Emily said...

That's awesome!! It sounds like a great school!

brenda Casper said...

That's amazing news about you donation selling for so much! You must be one heck-of-a photographer!