Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last day in the classroom as a Kindergartner...

On the Thursday of the last week of school the parents were invited into the classroom to see their Kindergartners for the last time. Mrs. Tiede did many things. She also made each child a scrapbook and presented it to them tied up with a book from her. She read that book to them. My mom was here so she was able to come in and see Isabella as a Kindergartner for the last time. Isabella was so excited that her Grandma Hockey was there!

Then we, parents, presented Mrs. Tiede with a new lunch bucket with all the students' hand prints and their names written by them. We were also able to present her with a $100 gift certificate to Wine and Roses. She will now be able to get a well deserved massage, pedicure, manicure...whatever her heart desires.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I can't believe she is going to be in the first grade... CRAZY!