Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday...

Now that my kids are getting older I really want to try and make sure that the "true" meaning of Easter isn't overlooked with all the baskets full of goodies, Easter egg hunts, and egg decorating. At the same time I want then to learn about it in a fun way. This year I decided to have an egg hunt with 12 eggs. Inside the eggs were scriptures and an object starting with Judas giving up Christ to his Resurrection. Even though I know that my kids don't understand the scriptures yet, I know that it is an important aspect to bring into their lives. Then when we did their actual Easter egg hunt I left one egg with nothing in it. This was the "special" egg because it represented Christ having been Resurrected. They had fun trying to find the egg that was empty. I also made edible tombs with my kids to help them understand the Easter story. This was one of my favorite Easter's with my kids! =)

I hope that this Easter we all remembered the suffering and sacrifice that Christ did for us. What an amazing man! I am so thankful to have a testimony of him and the things that he has done for us!

(Thanks Angela for the awesome pictures of Christ.)

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