Friday, April 11, 2008

Easter Party at Snell's....

When I first got to Snell's they had already started the party. They made these Easter baskets and they were filling them with the goodies that the kids brought in. Above is Isabella and Kayla. I just love this picture of the two of them with their adorable bunny hats on.

Then all the kids went into yellow room to play a racing game. Here is a picture of all 45 of them!

Then they went back into blue room to have their cupcakes, ice cream, and candy. Right before they eat they all hold hands and say a prayer. It is really cute. Not sure who the boy next to Isabella is but they look like they are flirting to me! =)

Chase got to sit down with all the big kids. Boy did her love it. He felt so special. He had to show the little girl next to him the M&M he got.

Then the kids got to go outside and play. Isabella's favorite part. They first had an egg hunt and then they were searching for the Easter Bunny that Miss Mary and Miss Colleen almost caught! The first picture is Isabella and Natalie. Isabella loves playing with Natalie. The last picture of a few of Isabella's good friends.

The Easter party was a definite success!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a cute little bunny!!!