Friday, April 11, 2008

Projects complete!

These past few weeks my goal has been to clean up my house and get rid of a ton of stuff! I am just so sick of clutter. Actually I watched an Oprah show on a hoarder and I don't want to be ANYTHING like that. I know that I am not even close but I never want it to get even remotely close to that. Right after watching the show I went through the cabinets in both bathrooms. It felt so good to get rid of stuff and make tons of room.

Then I started cleaning my formal dining area which is my scrapbook area. As, I was doing that I found a project that I bought about 6 months-1 year ago and never completed it. Well, last weekend, I was going to make sure that I finished it. I actually did. I've always wanted something creative to hang up my kids art work. I would love to have something in each of their rooms but I don't have room. I decided that since I tape it on the back of the door that I would just put my idea on the back of the door. I bought wood letters that spell A-R-T, spray painted them black, and added clips to the bottom of them to clip their art work on. I love the finsihed product.

I also wanted to put some current pictures in my frames on the wall. The pictures that were in there were 2 years old. I have also completed this!

I also thought of a great idea to start doing with my photography business but needed a model to try it out and have examples for people to see. I have completed half of it by casting a prego belly! I can't complete the other half until my friend has her baby. BTW, thanks Terri!! =)

I don't know if I am getting the itch because it's Springtime and I have Spring Fever or what. But I am liking the results! =)


Heather said...

Love the ART on the door!!! When you say that you are getting the itch, do you mean you want to have a baby :)?

Misty said...

Oh, HECK no! I am very happy with the ages of my kids...I'm not going to say that every once in a while I don't yearn for a little newborn to hold and cuddle but then I kick myself back into reality and remember everything else that comes with it.