Monday, April 14, 2008

The Fly Lady...

Well, I am so tired of the clutter and chaos in my house. I am now looking for a change in my life. I wen to an Enrichment Circle on Wednesday and the class I went to was an organizational class. My really good friend, Laura, taught it. She gave some AWESOME ideas. One of the things she talked about was She gave us a handout of zones and it got me curious. I checked it out on Saturday night and I'm hooked. I am really excited as to how she has everything broke down. She tells you to take baby steps instead of overwhelming yourself.

What I always do is:
-I get tired of the way my house looks.
-I work like dog for a few days straight getting it back in order.
-Then I don't do ANYTHING because I am so burnt out from getting it back in order.
-It goes right back to the place it was in the first place that I HATED!

When I saw the little things that I can start off with to get my house back in order. I was sold. I don't have to work like a dog to get it back to the way I want it. I love how she tells you to do certain things on a certain day.

I also signed up for her emails. She ends out about 8 a day reminding you of little things. I love it!

So, I started today with Day 1-3. Did everything I was supposed to.

My new goal: make my bed EVERYDAY! I NEVER do this! I never saw the point in making a bed that I was just going to unmake at the end of the day and no one ever saw it. Well, I see it and I want it made now. =) I'm hoping that this new clean me is here to stay!

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