Monday, September 08, 2008

Chase's 3rd birthday invitation...

Here is an example of Chase's birthday invitation.  I just loved how it turned out.  He decided, at the last minute, after wanting a Cars birthday that he'd rather have a train birthday which I love so much more!  =)  (I even perforated the bottom of the ticket stub.  Didn't think anyone would notice but they did.)

I really wanted the photo at the bottom on his invitation but Danny didn't like it.  He says it looks fake.  I LOVE it!  I used the picture that Danny liked more but thought I'd share the one that I liked.


Angela said...

What a great idea and super cute. I love it.

Heather said...

We can't wait to see you guys!!!

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

So you have a blog too? I saw you on the Booher's blog...I'll send you an invite to mine ok? Cute blog, by the way! It was fun seeing ya last weekend...I loved Chase's butt cheek hangin out all the funny!

Tracy said...

I love the cute invitation! You are soooo creative!!!! I can't believe how big Chase is.