Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Got me thinking...

My friend Emily had an awesome blog today about how she is still growing and it got me thinking to what my struggles in my life are right now and how I am still thankful for my life:

1.  You never know what a parent goes through with a child and their homework until you have your own that you are doing it with.  As a teacher I NEVER truly understood this until the past month.   I also would like Isabella to enjoy homework with Mommy and not remember how frustrated I get.  I guess I just know what she is capable of and expect that.  We aren't all perfect.  That is what I need to remember. 

2. Money.  Wow, something I totally took for granted until recently.  I'm just glad that my family is healthy and happy.  Things could totally be worse.  We could be loosing our house like the rest of Stockton.

3.  My husband works so hard for us.   I appreciate him and everything he does.  He is an amazing man.  Yes, he does have his faults but we all do, right?  Everyone's fault are just different.

4.  What would you do in life without your friends.  After a time out for women I have come to realize how important my good friends are in my life.  I can see that as my life keeps changing that I don't have as much time for them as I used to but I still love them just as much as I used to.  

5.  Sleep.  Wow, what an amazing concept.  I am realizing this week how important sleep is and so are my children.  We have went to be a little late every night this week and it has effected all of us.  Poor little Chase crawled into bed himself at about 9:30 and took a nap.  Pretty much unheard of for him.  Obviously he needed it.

6.  Since Chase had his birthday I am realizing how quickly my children are growing up, right before my eyes.   Where did my baby Chase go?  When I see older kids it makes me sad to think that they are going to be there before I know it.  Right now I just need to cherish the cuddle time that he gives me.  I love it so much and I am going to miss it so much when he gets older and we don't have that time anymore.   Also, with them growing up comes new adventures that I am so excited for.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Life is crazy, isn't it! I caught myself feeling sorry for myself the other day and thought.... oh my gosh! What is wrong with me! My life is perfect and I should be thankful for each second I have with my family! It can always be worse.