Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Polor Express..

On the Wednesday before her last day of school, Isabella had Polar Express Day.  They were able to wear their PJ's to school that day and when we arrived the teachers were shouting ALL ABORD in the hallways and tooting a whistle.  Then Mrs. Tiede passed out Polar Express Boarding Passes to the kids and even punched holes in them. 

Then they went into the classroom where the desks were rearranged as a train and the Polar Express music CD was playing.  They worked on a train book and were making a graph as to wether they wanted marshmallows or not in their hot chocolate.  I left at this point but I'm sure the rest of the day was as well planned as the morning was.  I know that they went into University Hall and watched The Polar Express projected on the wall.

It was such a cute day!  Isabella loved it!  =)

1 comment:

Heather said...

This is soooo cool! I can't believe how detailed and creative everything was. Sooo cute!!