Friday, June 05, 2009

End of the school year...

This year for our teacher gift we got a great idea from Brenda. We too fortune cookies, dipped the corner in chocolate, and then dipped it into sprinkles. They were tons of fun to make and Brenda and I were able to do them together. Then we had chinese take out boxes to put them in. To top this gift off Brenda found a cute children's book and another book on fortune cookies. I made a tag for it that said, "I was fortune-ate to have you as my teacher. Love, Isabella Brandow" It was bright and colorful and I think that Mrs. Tiede loved it. I love doing creative things rather than just putting something easy together.


Heather said...

so stealing this idea.... i love it!!!

brenda Casper said...

So that's what it would look like if my books actually arrived on time.... good to know!